
Microneedling & PRP Facial
Microneedling is an FDA-approved electronic fractional device that is used to rejuvenate the skin and improve the skin surface by reducing fine lines, expression lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and acne scars. The concept of Micro Needling is based on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself whenever it encounters physical injury such as cuts, burns and other abrasions.
As the Micro Needling device moves across the skin, it makes pinpoint punctures to create very minor micro-“injuries.” In response to the perceived “injury,” a cascade of growth factors is released, which in turn triggers new collagen synthesis.
This process has two major benefits – it effectively stimulates collagen formation and provides a clear channel for topical serums to be absorbed through the surface of the skin.
By persistently triggering this healing process with a series of Micro Needling treatments, the body keeps repairing the skin incrementally and cumulatively to offer a result similar to fractional laser treatments or chemical peels, but without the side effects and extended downtime.
The result is smoother, firmer and younger looking skin. Once the desired result has been achieved, it is important to maintain collagen stimulation by returning for quarterly maintenance treatments.
While most commonly used on the face, Micro Needling can also be used to restore and regenerate the skin on the neck, chest, and hands. Micro Needling is safe for all colors of skin and all types of skin. When doing Microneedling for acne scars, pore size and anti-aging we recommend 5-8 sessions, each about 4 weeks apart.
In the case of surgical scars and stretch marks on the body, usually 8-10 sessions each 5-6 weeks apart are recommended.
Micro Needling is performed in a safe and precise manner with the use of a sterile, disposable tip that allows effective treatment to hard-to-reach places (e.g. around the eyes, nose, and lips). Prior to the procedure, topical anesthetic cream is applied for patient comfort. The basic Micro Needling treatment includes the application of healing gels and serums during the procedure.
The entire procedure is normally completed within 30-45 minutes depending on the required treatment and the anatomical site. New healthy skin appears about 4 weeks after treatment and continues to generate collagen for up to 4-6 months.
Discomfort & Risks:
The sensation of Micro Needling is uncomfortable (described as a stinging sensation), particularly in areas of bony prominence and where the skin is thinner such as the neck and around the eyes.
Immediately following the procedure the skin will feel tight, dry, swollen, and sensitive to the touch. It’ll also look and feel sunburned.
The sensitivity and redness will diminish significantly within 24 hours. Other common short-term side effects include itching, discomfort, pinpoint bleeding or bruising, scabbing, and darkening of the treated area. Additionally, the skin may look and feel like sandpaper; these effects generally last 2-7 days as the treated skin flakes off and is replaced by new tissue.
While adverse reactions are extremely rare, there is a possibility of temporary side effects including but not limited to: infection, scarring, skin and tissue necrosis, herpes simplex outbreak, hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin), and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin). Darkening or lightening of the skin usually fades within 6 months, but in rare cases, could be permanent. This reaction is more common in patients who are tan or who have darker skin tones.
It can result or worsen when treated areas are exposed to the sun too soon following treatment. This risk can be minimized by avoiding sun exposure for 4 weeks before and after treatment and by adhering to pre and post treatment instructions.
You will be asked to discontinue use of Retin A, Retinols, Vitamin A creams and other topic medications for 3-5 days before your micro needling treatment. It is required that you wear a sunscreen daily and use the appropriate home care topical products. Examples are Urban Skin Rx Even Tone Cream or Retinol Pads.
Post-Procedure Instructions:
No sunscreen OR makeup for 12 hours following treatment.
Wash the face a few hours after treatment or before bed time. Use gentle cleanser such as the one provided in our Urban Skin Rx Post Procedure kit. Gently massage the face with tepid water (a shower can provide an easier ability to massage the face while washing at the same time), and remove all serum and dried blood.
This will improve the appearance of the skin and also allow for better subsequent absorption of HydraFirm Serum.
12-72 hours post-treatment mineral makeup can be applied, but continue to use the Urban Skin Rx Post Procedure kit or a gentle cleanser, hyaluronic acid serum, and physical sunblock with an SPF of 25 or higher. If a more aggressive treatment was performed they should also be instructed to use a more occlusive balm such as Aquaphor.
After 48 to 72 hours following treatment client can return to regular skin care regimen. Retinol products are strongly suggested to use for optimal results.
Avoid alcohol-based toners for 10-14 days as well as excessive sun exposure for 10 days.*
* For treatment of acne scars and skin rejuvenation usually 5-8 treatments are recommended as well as combining with TCA CROSS (3 treatments) for acne scars 4-5 weeks apart).
* For management of stretch marks and surgical or keloid scars usually up to 8-10 treatments are required, spaced apart every 5-6 weeks. More time in between treatments is suggested due to the aggressive trauma to the skin, allowing proper recovery time to avoid over-stimulation. If scars/stretch marks are 6 months old or younger, less time in between treatments is okay.
What to Avoid:
To ensure the proper healing environment, be certain to observe the following:
For at least 2 hours post treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare.
Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 24 hours. No tanning beds.
Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment.
No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments are harmful, rife with bacteria, and may cause adverse reactions.